168 Hours Until WWDC 2010

With just over a week left until Steve Jobs takes the stage for the keynote address at this years annual World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco, I am thinking about what we might see. After every keynote there is always a short-lived euphoria that results from being inside the reality distortion field followed but a postpartum depression.… Read the rest “168 Hours Until WWDC 2010”

@drkiki I would not pay $18/month for WSJ; I am looking forward to iPad Wired Mag Subscription

I would be willing to pay $3 per month for Wired Magazine on the iPad. The pricing has not been set so its anybody’s guess how much it will cost. Would you pay $18/month for the WSJ on the iPad? http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gGp0-d3Yfie4MFpV37mKnyPi2D8A… Read the rest “@drkiki I would not pay $18/month for WSJ; I am looking forward to iPad Wired Mag Subscription”

Aperture 3.0 Tip: Delete Photos After Import from iPhone

I recently switched from iPhoto to Aperture to manage images on my computer. The experience has been mixed. I am really not happy with the performance. I’m hoping that will get better. Another annoyance it the fact that importing images from my iPhone does not prompt me to delete those images off the phone like it does for my camera.… Read the rest “Aperture 3.0 Tip: Delete Photos After Import from iPhone”