USU Pictures

Our equestrian team got back from Utah State University’s show this week end, and I put some pictures that I took on my mom’s webshot’s page. I didn’t show this week end, I just did my assistant coach thing, so I am in one or two pictures.… Read the rest “USU Pictures”


I’ve been wanting to get started blogging but I have not been happy with the software tools available. I have been writing news sites for years which are essentially just blogs. I had planned on using one of them but never got around to it.… Read the rest “Welcome”

Horse Shows

Well I got back from my last horse show of the season. We had three western shows in Dillon Montana and I won a third place and two firsts. Now I’m qualified for the regional show which is a kind of preliminary for the national show.… Read the rest “Horse Shows”

Horse Show Pictures

I put up some new pictures from my regional show which took place today. I placed fourth in my class of eight, which unfortunately was not high enough to proceed on to the zones and then national show. I will be going to zones with the team (as opposed to individually) so if anyone wants to watch, we will be in Ridgefield, Washington.… Read the rest “Horse Show Pictures”