I have been hosting web sites in ASP for about 11 years now. I have a large investment in time and code in ASP. There are some tools that I want to work on in Java or PHP. I had those projects hosted on an old Blue & White G3 but the performance was never really there.…
Read the rest “Web Server Changes”
Our equestrian team got back from Utah State University’s show this week end, and I put some pictures that I took on my mom’s webshot’s page. I didn’t show this week end, I just did my assistant coach thing, so I am in one or two pictures.…
Read the rest “USU Pictures”
One of my favorite episodes of one of my favorite 80’s TV shows was the “Living Legend” on Battlestar Galactica. This was a two part episode starting Lloyd Bridges as Commander Cain. It was a great episode because it pit Lloyd Bridges’ Cain against Loren Green’s Adama.…
Read the rest “Battlestar Pegasus”
I found this link on a SlashDot link. It is a good example of two things. Once it shows a cool thing you can do with SOAP a.k.a Web Services. This link ia available with many other SOAP services on xmethods.com.…
Read the rest “CDYNE Has the Cool Toy of the Week”
I decided to give a couple of new shows a chance because their promos looked interesting and the started a week before everything else.
Supernatural on WB
Bones on Fox
I watched Supernatural off the DVR while working on other stuff.…
Read the rest “Return of the X-Files”
I’ve always enjoyed astronomy, of the backyard variety at least. I was born after the first Apollo moon landing. I’ve watched as many of the Space Shuttle launches as possible even after moving to Texas.
My first time to see the Milky Way was in 1986 while crossing over the mountains north of Málaga.…
Read the rest “Stellarium is Cool Software”
I watched the Steve-Note address yesterday. I had anticipated the release of a new iPod. The iPod nano is beautiful. I have already talked to my mother about getting one but I am concerned about its interface. It only seems to support USB.…
Read the rest “iPod nano/ROKR”
I’ve been wanting to get started blogging but I have not been happy with the software tools available. I have been writing news sites for years which are essentially just blogs. I had planned on using one of them but never got around to it.…
Read the rest “Welcome”
Rain and camping are a bad combination. So, it’s important to set your tarp up properly.
Attached are 2 pictures of what worked for us on Memorial Day weekend. However, this is NOT a recommendation. 🙂
I just came from a guest lecture at school by Jackson Katz. He works in gender violence prevention and has made several movies. Anyway, it was such a great lecture and really brought a lot of things to my attention I had never thought about before!…
Read the rest “Jackson Katz Lecture”
Well my show season came to a close this past week end in Twin Falls, Idaho at the zones horse show. I had qualified for the regional show by getting 35+ points from shows throughout the school year (1st place is 7 points, 2nd place is 5, and so on).…
Read the rest “Horse Show Ribbon”
Well I got back from my last horse show of the season. We had three western shows in Dillon Montana and I won a third place and two firsts. Now I’m qualified for the regional show which is a kind of preliminary for the national show.…
Read the rest “Horse Shows”
I put up some new pictures from my regional show which took place today. I placed fourth in my class of eight, which unfortunately was not high enough to proceed on to the zones and then national show. I will be going to zones with the team (as opposed to individually) so if anyone wants to watch, we will be in Ridgefield, Washington.…
Read the rest “Horse Show Pictures”