Game of Cricket

Over in Grand Prairie is a Cricket field. I’ve seen people out there playing before. I was in the park with my drone and flew over to get some interesting shots. The early afternoon winter shadows contain remarkable detail. Watch the video below.

SEIR Building February 2018

Construction progresses. There is now a lot of glass on the southern side. At the end of the video is a view of the new residence hall, parking garage, and dining hall on the north end of campus.

UTA Fort Worth

This video of UTA Fort Worth campus with downtown in the background was shot on a very cold morning with the sun peeking up behind me.

Rocket Launch

Car Chase

I had this idea for a car chase using a remote control car and a drone. The practicality of such a video proved much harder than I expected. I also would need to zoom closer to the target to make the video worthwhile.