Super Blue Moon

There were two full moons in January 2018. For the second one (blue moon), I drove out to Dallas near the Trinity River Overlook park so I could take pictures of the moonrise. The moon was at perigee at the beginning of the month (hence super moon). I was not alone. There was a group of 5 other people who had also chose the same vantage point. I used an app on my phone called Sun Surveyor to predict where the moon would be. This put me about 200 yards south of the other guys. As a result, I was able to catch a few pictures before the moon rose up above Reunion Arena into the clouds.

Once the moon rose above the clouds I took a few more pictures of just the moon itself. It was only the next day that I realized that a commercial jet had flown in front of the moon as I took it’s picture. Quite a lucky shot.