I’m generally a fan of Google products. Recent developments in Google Drive have me worried. I’m hoping that Google can fix these issues. Specifically I have talking about the musical chairs game that Google is playing with their cloud storage app.…
Read the rest “Just Say No to Kernel Extensions”
Back in August Shawn King announce the end of the Your Mac Life Show after many, many years. I wish him well on his future endeavors.
I had the pleasure of meeting Shawn twice. The first was a Mac World San Fransisco 1998.…
Read the rest “Farewell YML”
Just got my new Mac mini (M1, 2020) spun up and taking it for a test drive. I’m immediately impressed by how many apps that I use are showing up as “Apple” in the Architecture column of the Process Monitor. For apps that still required the old Intel chip, there’s Rosetta.…
Read the rest “This update is not allowed on this system.”
So Apple has released macOS Catalina with all sorts of new shiny features. However there is one feature/change that is going to catch users by surprise. That is the drop of support for “legacy” 32-bit applications. Any program that needs to run on macOS going forward will have to be a 64-bit application.…
Read the rest “Don’t Upgrade to Catalina… yet”
Every year about this time, I’m tempted by the allure of a suite of new operating systems for my computer and mobile devices. This year is no different except for the addition of iPadOS which has the promise of letting my backward corporate web applications be functional on my primary daily device.…
Read the rest “Resist iOS 13”
Stop trying to remembers your passwords. Just get Lastpass. Install it on your phone and computer. Pay the annual fee ($12). Done. Let Lastpass generate and remember crazy safe passwords for you. Have a unique safe password for every site. Store secure notes as well.…
Read the rest “LastPass Now in AppStore”
Helping Shawn and the gang with their Drupal Site.
My installation of iLife ’09 went without a hitch. I backed up my library a couple of times and began. I have 30,000 pictures in my library. iPhoto quickly identified 69 locations from my iPhone pictures and is currently scanning my library for people’s faces.…
Read the rest “Initial Impression of iPhoto 8.0”
Every once in a while I’m surprised by my Mac. Today it was a Malware warning. I was searching Google for a product manual when I clicked on what looked like a valid .org hit. I was redirected to an IP address and then to a .cn…
Read the rest “Safari Protects from Malware”
I’m currently running
Mac OS 10.5.6. This version is also known as
Build 9G55. Let’s take that build number apart and see what it actually means.
Major Version
Minor Version
The build refers to the Apple internal build process that does a full compile and packaging of the entire OS.…
Read the rest “How to Read Apple’s Mac OS X Build Numbers”
I recently read that Apple (formerly Apple Computer) has filed for a trademark for OS X along side its current trademark for
Mac OS X™. This is just another step in a methodical move away from the computer industry into the main stream of consumer electronics.…
Read the rest “Apple to Drop Mac from OS Name”
To answer that question we must first answer the question
Why do we need anti-virus software? The answer to that question is pretty simple. Engineers tend to design things to work and then stop. The exception to this is NASA who has to plan for every possible contingency and then make sure their design will survive.…
Read the rest “Do I Need Anti-virus Software?”
I had a friend ask me for some advice on buying a mac for the home. They had already bought a Mac Book and Mac Book Pro and now it seems time to replace that old generic PC in the kitchen with a new Mac Mini.…
Read the rest “Don’t Buy a Mac (This Week)”