Yesterday I was doing a search on Google for a person. One of the search results was a link for Facebook. When I clicked on the link I was take to a page that looked like Facebook but actually wasn’t. When I click again I was asked to login.…
Read the rest “Bogus Proxy Site Shows Up in Google Results”
My installation of iLife ’09 went without a hitch. I backed up my library a couple of times and began. I have 30,000 pictures in my library. iPhoto quickly identified 69 locations from my iPhone pictures and is currently scanning my library for people’s faces.…
Read the rest “Initial Impression of iPhoto 8.0”
I recently had the opportunity to write a quick command line application using Java. Instead of using Eclipse or BBEdit as by editor/IDE, I decided to use Xcode. I chose the Java Tool project template and got to work. In the course of my project, I wanted to spit some text out on the console.…
Read the rest “How to Set the Default Java Compiler Version in Xcode”
Web site for Wise County IT Consulting Company
Drupal 6 site hosted on Customer’s server featuring Facebook Connect, Tagadelic Cloud, Views, and other modules.
Web site for local Basketball association featuring pages for each team and team schedules.
Every once in a while I’m surprised by my Mac. Today it was a Malware warning. I was searching Google for a product manual when I clicked on what looked like a valid .org hit. I was redirected to an IP address and then to a .cn…
Read the rest “Safari Protects from Malware”
Michael Crichton books all read like screenplays. The bad guy is usually technology and not an individual. Then he finds a group of people and puts them in a situation to confront that technology. Next differs slightly from that formula in that all of the main characters are not brought together all at once at the beginning.…
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I recently had the opportunity to re-watch the movie Next with Nicolas Cage and Julianne Moore.I saw this movie in the theater. I was exited about the premise. It looked like it would be a cool superhero movie. There was a small trend of anti- superhero movies coming out at the same time.…
Read the rest “Next (2007)”
I’m currently running
Mac OS 10.5.6. This version is also known as
Build 9G55. Let’s take that build number apart and see what it actually means.
Major Version
Minor Version
The build refers to the Apple internal build process that does a full compile and packaging of the entire OS.…
Read the rest “How to Read Apple’s Mac OS X Build Numbers”
I recently read that Apple (formerly Apple Computer) has filed for a trademark for OS X along side its current trademark for
Mac OS X™. This is just another step in a methodical move away from the computer industry into the main stream of consumer electronics.…
Read the rest “Apple to Drop Mac from OS Name”
When I first saw the commercials and trailers for Eagle Eye it looked like a remake of Enemy of the State. When the movie came out the reviews were really poor and I opted to skip it at the theater. I know someone who went to see it in the theater despite the bad reviews and my mocking.…
Read the rest “Eagle Eye”
Simple website for a local Intermediate School band. Content is managed by the band director.