I noticed the message on the side of the Chipotle bag. I guess they ran out of promotional messages and just left the default placeholder text. For the uninitiated, the Lorem Ipsum text is typically used in desktop publishing as a placeholder for future content.…
Read the rest “Lorem Ipsum Text on Chipotle Bag”
I downloaded a great program call Blotter 1.2 (Mac App Store $9.99) that puts your calendar on your desktop. I really like this app. I have it set to start up automatically when I log in. I don’t really care to see it on my dock.…
Read the rest “How to Hide to Dock Icon of Any App”
Take ID4 and District 9 and mix them with the Hurt Locker. You get a gritty Alien invasion movie. The characters and actors were good. There were only two known actors. I would have liked a bit more levity to lighten the relentless mood but it was not to be.…
Read the rest “Battle: Los Angeles”
It was about what I expected, maybe a little better. Seth can actually play more than the frat boy. Kato saved the movie. Rent it.
Visually incredible. I loved all the references to the original. It degraded into a predictable ‘we have to get there by the deadline’ movie. I’ll be buying it when it comes out on iTunes because it think it will hold up to repeat viewing.…
Read the rest “Tron: Legacy”
It’s sort of like a prequel to Braveheart from the Roman point of view. I mostly want to complain about the cinematography. The story is supposed to take place in the Highlands but the filmed it in a dark forest in Hungary.…
Read the rest “The Eagle”
The current rumor is that we will have an announcement about the iPad 2 on February 9th. This is roughly one year from the original announcement so this make sense. I would assume they would announce at that time a release date in March.…
Read the rest “iPad 2 Predictions”
Ten years ago I walked into a VW dealership with a check and no ride home except for a little Vortex blue New Beetle setting on the lot. This month the car turns 10 and I just passed 170,000 miles on the odometer.
Ever wonder what ever happened to Christopher Robin when he got a little older and stopped playing with Winnie the Pooh? It looks like he changed his name to Harry Potter and well, you know the rest.
I recently visited Seminole and took some pictures of my old haunts. This is a picture of my aunt’s hold house on Ridge Road. It was once dubbed the
Mystery House on Ridge Road in an article in the St. Pete Times.…
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This picture of Kristen Stewart is very disturbing in the uncanny valley sense by its lack of symmetry. The right side of her face looks like Robin Tunney. The left side of her face reminds me of Angelina Jolie. It’s like a bad photoshop fail.
Since the release of FaceTime .9 (92) I have been unable to run it on my laptop with an SSD. Whenever I launched FaceTime the app would start without an error but it would be lacking the controls on the right side.…
Read the rest “FaceTime Certificate Error Fixed by Deleting GlobalPreferences.plist”
This is a followup to my previous posting How to Install Adobe Reader X Safely on Mac OS X. The step for disabling JavaScript is virtually identical for Windows. The frustration for me when trying to install Reader X for Windows was finding a download link for just Reader without any additional baggage.…
Read the rest “How to Install Adobe Reader X Safely on Windows”