I rented The Bourne Identity on DVD this week. I had wanted to see it in the theater but did not get to it. I’ve enjoyed Matt Damon in other parts and this looked like a good part for him.The movie itself is a remake of a 1988 made-for-tv movie that I did not see.…
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I wasn’t really looking forward to seeing this movie. The free ticket that came with the extended version of the Fellowship of the Ring made it a little easier to justify going to see it. I saw it on a Sunday afternoon.…
Read the rest “Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)”
The previews made this look like the latest Clancy movie. It’s not, but the cinematography is reminiscent of Red October. There’s even a key part of the story involving the political officer, just like Red October
The story is based on a true event in 1961 of a near reactor meltdown.…
Read the rest “K-19: The Widowmaker (2002)”
Slow. Very slow. Waste of money and time. I can’t believe they even released it. Did they even watch it before releasing it??
I wouldn’t really call it a true “sci-fi” either. They speak of the alien visitors, but you never actually see one.
Tammy & I went to see the Ring last night. We went into the moving knowing almost nothing about the movie. I had only read a brief synopsis that said that the movie was a remake of a recent Japanese film by the same name.…
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If you like John Woo’s action sequences, that may be reason enough to see this movie. I cannot think of any other reason. They have taken a good cast (Nick Cage and Christian Slater) and paired them up with two very interesting Navaho actors in an extremely interesting historical time period and still failed to create a good movie.…
Read the rest “Windtalkers (2002)”
Changing Lanes pits Sam Jackson against Ben Afleck in a story where you can empathize with each character in the situation they are in. Ben’s character is not a likable character. While changing lanes, they have a little car accident. Ben’s character is in a hurry and doesn’t want to be bothered with doing the right thing at the accident.…
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I had really low expectations of this movie, now available on DVD. Based on that, it was better than I expected. Resident Evil is based on a video game with the same name. The commercials made it look more bloody than it actually was.…
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Just bought the sequel to Blade. We enjoyed the first one but never got to the theater to see the sequel. The first movie had a lot of action and some gore. The second one promised more. It’s like a cross between Matrix, Aliens and every other Vampire movie.…
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I just rented John Q on DVD. I went into it with an open mind. Denzel Washington plays John who is down on his luck but a hard worker. His son is suddenly diagnosed with a failing heart. He does everything right by the system but the system is against him.…
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I just rented Queen of the Damned, based on the novel by Anne Rice and sequel to Interview with the Vampire (1994). None of the actors are the same. There’s no Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Christian Slater, or Antonio Banderas. Some of the same characters are played by younger actors which makes sense since they are Vampires and vampires don’t age.…
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Yes, this one is a few years old, but I just got around to seeing it.
I haven’t jump to rent this one (or see it in the theater) because, to be honest, it didn’t look all that good.
However, in the first 5 minutes, I was hooked.…
Read the rest “Gattaca (1997)”