Solaris (2002)

Slow. Very slow. Waste of money and time. I can’t believe they even released it. Did they even watch it before releasing it?? I wouldn’t really call it a true “sci-fi” either. They speak of the alien visitors, but you never actually see one.

Windtalkers (2002)

If you like John Woo’s action sequences, that may be reason enough to see this movie. I cannot think of any other reason. They have taken a good cast (Nick Cage and Christian Slater) and paired them up with two very interesting Navaho actors in an extremely interesting historical time period and still failed to create a good movie.… Read the rest “Windtalkers (2002)”

Changing Lanes (2002)

Changing Lanes pits Sam Jackson against Ben Afleck in a story where you can empathize with each character in the situation they are in. Ben’s character is not a likable character. While changing lanes, they have a little car accident. Ben’s character is in a hurry and doesn’t want to be bothered with doing the right thing at the accident.… Read the rest “Changing Lanes (2002)”

John Q (2002)

I just rented John Q on DVD. I went into it with an open mind. Denzel Washington plays John who is down on his luck but a hard worker. His son is suddenly diagnosed with a failing heart. He does everything right by the system but the system is against him.… Read the rest “John Q (2002)”