Mase Family web site – hosting only
This real estate site was designed by an Advertising firm and then implemented using ASP.NET. This was my first project in ASP.NET for SohoPros. It was designed using a web services backend to fetch data out of a Microsoft SQL database.…
Read the rest “Williams Trew”
Brookmole Family
Web site for Wallach, Andrews & Stouffer law firm. The web site was originally implemented in 2001 as a way to list information about the medical law practice firm.
Great Dane Rescue of North Texas
Taste of Arlington web site was Designed by Wallaby Design and Graphics as an update for the 25th anniversary festival. The site was implemented in about 4 hours using Drupal. The site listed sponsors and allowed customers to buy tickets. The annual event drives very little traffic the rest of the year.…
Read the rest “Taste of Arlington”
This is my personal web site for sharing personal information. This site has been live since 1996 in many different forms. The content has been moved through many different tools. The current incarnation is in Drupal using a contrib theme.
Xevious Consulting’s web site to feature sample customer sites and my personal technical blog. is for Sale
Widawear Leather Products
This is a web site for Rogene Worley Middle School Band, Mansfield, TX. The purpose of this web site is to allow parents and student so access a common calendar, see class announcements and share pictures from events. This web site is running on Drupal using a Simple Slashdot theme.…
Read the rest “Worley Band”
Vinyard Heights Home Owners Association, Rendon, Texas web site was designed as a simple test to implement a small community site using Drupal. This site features three levels of security. The calendar allows HOA members to post their events and even maintain a personal Blog.
This web site was designed by a graphic artist employed by Urban America Television Network. The design called for elements to be dynamically replaced on the page based on day of the week and over time. The solution was to carve up the design into multiple panels described by an HTML table.…
Read the rest “UATVN”