Rocket Launch
VLA: Very Large Array
One of my favorite photo-walks was in May, 2011 to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array near Socorro, New Mexico. I was working in Albuquerque and decided to head out there before the visitor center closed so I could get pictures at sunset.… Read the rest “VLA: Very Large Array”
The new movie Interstellar starring Matthew McConaughey and directed by Christopher Nolan is destined to become a science fiction classic like 2001 but I don’t think it will be appreciated in our time. At three hours long I think some audiences will have a hard time staying engaged.… Read the rest “Interstellar”
When Worlds Collide
I’ve seen the 1951 Rudolph Maté movie adaptation of When Worlds Collide. It is near the top of classic 1950’s Science Fiction movies. I never gave its source material much thought. The movie won an Oscar that year for its special effects which involved the use of miniatures to convey the large scale of the story.… Read the rest “When Worlds Collide”
L-90 Days until STS-133
The countdown clock for STS-133 is down tom just 90 days until launch.
Just about the coolest video ever of the Space Shuttle Discovery on STS 131
The best place to watch the @NASA STS-132 Shuttle Launch on your iPad is on
Unfortunately the NasaTV web page is not designed to work on iPad. It relies on RealPlayer for some reason. Hop over to and click on the home page link. You can watch full screen.
Richard Garriott: Man on a Mission
I had the opportunity to attend the world premier of an independent documentary called Richard Garriott: Man on a Mission while at SXSW this year. All I knew about this films going in to it was that it was about the son of an astronaut who go to go into space.… Read the rest “Richard Garriott: Man on a Mission”
In the Shadow of the Moon (2007)
Fifty years ago Sputnik flew and the Space Race began as an energetic competition of the cold war. In just a few short years man was in space and anything seemed possible. Kennedy set this nation off on the task of putting a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth before the end of the 1960’s decade.… Read the rest “In the Shadow of the Moon (2007)”