
Deduckto Duck
Someone gave me the card game Deduckto as a gift. I played a few times with friends and immediately liked the game play. It is effectively Clue played with cards instead of pawns on a board. You are trying to guess three attributes based on feedback from the other players.… Read the rest “Deduckto”


This really goes under the heading, “did not really think this one through”. It all started simple enough. A co-worker is having a milestone birthday. Someone suggested filling cube with a bunch of balloons. It sounded like fun. I recruited a co-conspirator and made a plan.… Read the rest “Balloons”

T-Shirt Archive

Hexley DarwinOS Mascot
It occurred to me that I have a lot of old t-shirts. Most are not fit to wear anymore. I thought I would create a photographic archive of these old t-shirts. This will be a long project. I plan to just add the pictures to this posting and display them in random order.… Read the rest “T-Shirt Archive”

FDR Sports Review

FDR Soccer Team
Sixty years ago my father was serving on board the U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt in the mediterranean. In his day job he used a Babbage computer to calculate firing solutions. He was also on the ship soccer team. I thought I’d share a page from the ship’s newsletter, “PRESS-I-DENTIAL”, page 10, from May 1960.Read the rest “FDR Sports Review”