Cars (2006)

last matinee on a very hot Friday. I had only seen one review prior to going to see this movie. It definitely delivered. Although the story line was familiar to anyone who has seen Michael J. Fox’s Doc Hollywood, the Pixar version is a real treat.… Read the rest “Cars (2006)”

The Hulk (2003)

I went to see this movie as a favor to a friend. I was not too keen on enduring the excessive computer graphics, but was actually impressed with the quality. Aside from providing the much needed background as to who the hulk is or how he became the hulk (for those of us who may not know), the movie was well done.… Read the rest “The Hulk (2003)”

XXX (2002)

This is clearly an attempt to create a new action/spy thriller franchise starring Vin Diesel. The sequel is already in production. The opening scene sets the tone. You have a 007-like character trying to infiltrate a European rave. He stands out like a sore thumb in his tux and gets killed.… Read the rest “XXX (2002)”