Report and Delete

I love one new feature on my phone: “Report and Delete Junk”. I do not know if it is a feature of the OS alone or something from my carrier. Especially on election day where my phone is beeping every hour with yet another political spam message coming from a phone number (not a short code).… Read the rest “Report and Delete”

AT&T WiFi Passpoint

I got bit again by the “attwifi – Passpoint” policy/bug/feature again. I was sitting in the airport terminal trying to use my phone but was not able to get any Internet connection. I know AT&T coverage can be spotty in places where there are people but this was no data at all even though I had a few bars.… Read the rest “AT&T WiFi Passpoint”

Resist iOS 13

Every year about this time, I’m tempted by the allure of a suite of new operating systems for my computer and mobile devices. This year is no different except for the addition of iPadOS which has the promise of letting my backward corporate web applications be functional on my primary daily device.… Read the rest “Resist iOS 13”


I heard about the new app called Chirp (by ASGI Ltd). I downloaded it and immediately though it would be cool to save the chirp as a sound file but the app offers no such option. I used the Voice Memos app to save the playing sound.… Read the rest “Chirp”