On a lark I took the boys to go see Fast and Furious. I was expecting a loud and fast thrill ride and this movie did not disappoint. For those keeping score, this is the 4th movie in the series. The new movie has the same name as the original minus the definite article
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What happens when you combine gymnastics with soccer? I saw this during my kid’s soccer game and thought it was the coolest trick. Kristie apparently does this often. It is a trick also employed by girls college soccer teams. Imaging the scene.…
Read the rest “Flip Throw-in Strobe Effect Using Photoshop”
At the beginning of the Texas State UIL 4A High School Soccer Championship SemiFinal game between Mequite Poteet Pirates and the Mansfield Legacy Broncos the two teams paraded out to the center of the field and were introduced by name and number to the audience.…
Read the rest “Soccer Game Panorama Created in Photoshop”
The field of movie releases in March was pretty sparse. One movie that looked interesting was Watchmen. I’m not into comics and I’m not much of a Frank Miller fan. I do enjoy a good superhero movie. I was surprised that this movie was Rated ‘R’.…
Read the rest “Who Watched the Watchers?”
I was very happy with my Western Digital Studio II Drive so I bought a second one. This new one has been giving me trouble since I got it. For starters, it always shows the temperature condition as “Warm”. The drive is regularly missing from my desktop as it just shuts itself off.…
Read the rest “Trouble with Western Digital Studio II Drive”
No, it’s not 1988. I know my mac doesn’t really have a virus. Aside from the occasional email, I have not seen a virus on my Mac since System 7. So image my surprise that while Googling I came across a link that appeared to have the information that I was seeking.…
Read the rest “Oh No! My Mac Has a Virus!”
When the iTunes music store first came out it was all too easy to drop 99¢ on a song. At least one reviewer dubbed it iCrack because of its addictive nature. Apple later brought that easy way to part with your money into the palm of your hand in your iPhone.…
Read the rest “Kindle for iPhone is the Next Killer App”
I’ve been looking forward to the new Terminator movie. I like the TV show. I even enjoyed Terminator 3. The new movie looked like just the next chapter in the story. The early trailers showed us little that we had not already seen in the future scenes for the last 25 years.…
Read the rest “Terminator Salvation Trailer Ups to the Ante on Expectations”
I got this email from MobileMe. It was a strange non-apology. It was a litany of all the things that they have been working on without any mention of the things that were promised but not yet delivered. This message appears to have been sent out to all MobileMe members.…
Read the rest “An important service message for MobileMe members”
The phone makers are happily creating app stores to supply their customers with 99¢ utilities. They are setting up huge infrastructures and developer programs to court both users and developers alike. The reason: they know that your investment in these 99¢ gems will insure your loyalty to their platform long after their 2-year contract has expired.…
Read the rest “Mobile App Stores Bind Customers to Device”
I have owned several iPods over the years. My first iPod was a blue iPod Mini. I bought it in the original Audible promotion to replace my Rio. The iPod Mini had a 4GB hard drive and an aluminum anodized case.…
Read the rest “Great Use for that old iPod”
Armor is a another take on the future warrior story. It is similar to the novel Starship Troopers (not the movie) except that you really get inside the main character’s head. Felix throws himself into incredible nuke-wielding battles with aliens. The reader must pay attention as the perspective changes throughout the story.
I’m not really sure how I stumbled on to this book. I found it in paperback and read it years ago. I recently heard that they were going to make a movie out of it. I decided that I wanted to revisit this Hugo and Nebula Award winner.…
Read the rest “The Forever War”