Instagram post from 2014-01-17 11:51:33
The third episode of the third series of Sherlock is full of twists and redirection. We learn much about Mrs. Watson, the Holmes’ parents, and Sherlock’s dog while weaving in and out of a very twisted plot. There are plenty of references to pop culture including calling Sherlock a blunt instrument in reference to James Bond.…
Read the rest “Sherlock: His Last Vow”
Instagram post from 2014-01-12 17:38:08
While dog is outside, I’ll use the dog bed. Let me see her try to get it back.
Instagram post from 2014-01-08 12:34:22
She’s standing right behind me, isn’t she?
Instagram post from 2014-01-08 12:32:49
Morning selfie.
Instagram post from 2014-01-08 12:30:18
I haven’t had my coffee yet this morning
Instagram post from 2014-01-07 13:13:45
Caught in the shower
Yet another brilliant episode. Sherlock must give the best man’s toast at Watson’s wedding. The episode is intertwined with small mysteries culminating in a big reveal or three at the end. Sherlock’s manic nature is on full display. There’s a touching moment at the end and where the show continues to dance around Sherlock’s sexual preference, orientation, or lack there of.…
Read the rest “Sherlock: The Sign of Three”
I caught the first of the three Sherlock episodes on the BBC iPlayer. The episode is called
The Empty Hearse and it refers to the fact that Sherlock faked his death at the end of the last season. The episode is full of speculation as to how he’d done it picking up right where the teaser webisode left off.…
Read the rest “Sherlock: The Empty Hearse”
Instagram post from 2014-01-05 17:59:39
I found a stick in the yard.
Instagram post from 2014-01-05 17:58:43
Cold and Lazy Sunday.
I’m parting with my Apple World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) backpacks from 2000 and 2001
Instagram post from 2014-01-04 16:46:22
Let me in. I gotta pee and there’s no kitty litter pan out here. #catuday