Instagram post from 2015-01-11 22:33:20
Playing at Fort Woof dog park with some new friends
The George W. Bush Presidential Library is located on the campus of SMU. You pay $7 to park and $16 to get in. Get there early as parking can be tricky. The museum starts with an introduction to his childhood and proceeds through his live to his two terms in office.…
Read the rest “George W. Bush Presidential Museum”
Instagram post from 2015-01-03 02:23:43
I’ve been meme’d!
My aunt sent me an album of old family pictures. I like looking at old pictures to see the details in the background. Like a picture of my grandmother from 1912 shows a stack of newspapers. When you zoom in on the papers you can see headlines from the first Balkan War Turkish defeat in Greece.…
Read the rest “Old Family Pictures”
The Mythbusters Exhibit is in its last week at the
Fort Worth Museum of Science and History so I thought I would take a look. The exhibit features artifacts from the show starting with the JATO rocket tubes from the very first episode and a Citroën turned motorcycle from the 2015 season. …
Read the rest “Mythbusters Exhibit in Fort Worth”
I’ve always had an affinity for dinosaurs, megafauna, and
kaiju. At the
Fort Worth Museum of Science and History they have a life-size Allosaurus outside the building. The guy has been there for at least 20 years that I know of.…
Read the rest “Dinosaurs at FWMSH”
Instagram post from 2014-12-28 23:57:01
Getting to run free in a prison rec yard and play with other inmates.
Instagram post from 2014-12-28 21:48:39
Mouse is here visiting.
I was very slow to move from film photography to digital photography. I wasn’t willing to buy into DSLR photography until I felt the quality caught up. Arguably digital photography still lacks something when compared to film but the cost, immediacy and flexibility made it easy for me to switch and not look back.…
Read the rest “Side by Side”
Instagram post from 2014-12-25 18:07:27
Still waiting on @bbergere to wake up so I can open my present. Merry Christmas!
Instagram post from 2014-12-20 21:31:41
Had a busy morning. Time for a nap.
Instagram post from 2014-12-20 19:33:19
Returning from my “peticure”. Don’t my nails look great!
Instagram post from 2014-12-11 05:17:49
Guarding the Christmas tree