TripIt is now available as a GoogleApp for to share your travel plans with your domain members

TripIt started allowing you to log into their site using your GoogleApps login. Now you can take that a step further and create a TripIt group that includes all the members of your GoogleApps domain. More information is available on TripIt’s blog posting.… Read the rest “TripIt is now available as a GoogleApp for to share your travel plans with your domain members”

@drkiki I would not pay $18/month for WSJ; I am looking forward to iPad Wired Mag Subscription

I would be willing to pay $3 per month for Wired Magazine on the iPad. The pricing has not been set so its anybody’s guess how much it will cost. Would you pay $18/month for the WSJ on the iPad?… Read the rest “@drkiki I would not pay $18/month for WSJ; I am looking forward to iPad Wired Mag Subscription”

Just got notified from NETFLIX that my Wii Disc has shipped for tomorrow

With this disk I’ll be able to use the Wii instead of a Roku box to watch movies. Subject: For Fri: Instant Streaming Disc for Wii ******************************************************* NETFLIX – Wii Disc Ship Confirmation ******************************************************* Dear Douglas, Your free instant streaming disc for Wii should arrive by Friday, Mar 26, 2010.… Read the rest “Just got notified from NETFLIX that my Wii Disc has shipped for tomorrow”

iTune Terms of Service have changed to support gifts of in-app purchases

iTunes Store Terms and Conditions have changed Summary of Important Changes The changes we have made to the terms and conditions include the following: • The “Gifts” section of the iTunes Store Terms of Sale have been changed to clarify that Gifts may not be used for in-app purchases, in-app subscriptions, upgrades, or the iPod touch OS, and to explain that some gifts require compatible hardware and parental control settings so they can be redeemed.… Read the rest “iTune Terms of Service have changed to support gifts of in-app purchases”

Amazon’s preview of their Kindle App for Tablet Computers still makes no mention of newspapers and magazines

Amazon has announced that they are working on applications to allow users to read books on several platforms including the iPad. Like the Kindle app for Mac and iPhone, it does not appear that Amazon will allow Newspaper and Magazine subscriptions to be usable on these new platforms.… Read the rest “Amazon’s preview of their Kindle App for Tablet Computers still makes no mention of newspapers and magazines”