
Fun movie with a good use of 3-D in its flight scenes. It made want to fly down for carnival. It had a good story and would recommend for even little kids. The parents won’t be bored out of their minds in the meanwhile.

Technology Acceptance

At some point in the life of any technology there comes a tipping point when that technology goes from something special to something expected. We’ve see this before with the lightbulb, indoor plumbing, and the telephone. Twenty years ago we didn’t see web addresses in commercials or know the email address of our news correspondents.… Read the rest “Technology Acceptance”

X-Men: First Class

I really enjoyed this X-Men movie. I think it might be the best of the series when it comes to character and story. Xavier has a couple of cheesy moments. There are references to his hair. When the action starts he plays Jack Ryan to Magneto’s John Clark – that reference will make sense to fans of Tom Clancy’s spy novels.… Read the rest “X-Men: First Class”

Tron: Legacy

Visually incredible. I loved all the references to the original. It degraded into a predictable ‘we have to get there by the deadline’ movie. I’ll be buying it when it comes out on iTunes because it think it will hold up to repeat viewing.… Read the rest “Tron: Legacy”

The Eagle

It’s sort of like a prequel to Braveheart from the Roman point of view. I mostly want to complain about the cinematography. The story is supposed to take place in the Highlands but the filmed it in a dark forest in Hungary.… Read the rest “The Eagle”