In an attempt to save $100 I opted for the least expensive 16GB iPad. This size has served me well in the past. With iCloud and DropBox, who needs more. I do. The crux of the problem for me is PhotoStream.…
Read the rest “When 16GB is Not Enough”
Apple has a nice feature of iCloud that allows you to find your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, or Macintosh on a Map if it is lost or stolen called “Find My Phone”. But what if you lose your iPhone and have not set this up in advance?…
Read the rest “Help, I’ve Lost My iPhone”
The new movie Chronicle takes the ‘found footage’ meme to a new level mixing it with a superhero genesis story. The story follows three high school kids as they learn that they have telekinesis but still have to go to class.…
Read the rest “Chronicle is Refreshing”
I started off 2012 with a Styx concert at Billy Bob’s Texas with my friend Lee. I don’t often go to concerts anymore. I’ve probably been to 5 concerts in the last couple of decades compared to seeing that many in a single season when I was younger.…
Read the rest “Styx Puts on a Great Show”
We recently had some family over for the holidays that have spent the last year playing Words With Friends over iPhones and Facebook. Someone suggested playing a “real” game of Scrabble. We looked in our game cabinet and found a travel edition of Scrabble with 3/8″ tiles and three tiny tile racks.…
Read the rest “Scrabble’s Party Play Mode Misses an Opportunity”
Good, intense movie. Leave the kids at home. Craig plays a vulnerable Blomquist very different from James Bond end though the opening credits feel like a 007 entrée. And Wasp was excellent embodying “the girl” part perfectly. It was interesting to see what things the changed from the Swedish movie version.…
Read the rest “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”
A fun movie, once you get over the fact that this movie has very little to do with Dumas’ characters, historical accuracy, or the laws of physics. This movie is to Musketeer films what Resident Evil is to zombie films.
Owen Wilson in a Woody Allen film? I know, but it works.
Pretty good adaptation of the Phillip K Dick story.
Good movie with a smart plot. I like Deniro’s character too.
I really wanted this movie to be so much more. Think it will stand up to a second watch well.
‘Enjoy’ is the wrong word. It was a really good movie.
Contact me if you are interested in buying any of the items below. I am readying them for eBay shortly.
Apple TV 40GB $40
Apple TV 160GB $70
Wii with Wii Fit and a bunch of Games $150
Neat Desktop $300
This list is just for starters.…
Read the rest “Garage Sale”