Welcome to the Bobiverse

I wish I could remember who recommended this book to me. This is actually the second Dennis Taylor book that I added to my Goodreads queue by recommendation. I have not yet read The Singularity Trap. I have a new favorite author to follow. This book starts off by introducing us to Bob and then immediately kills him. The story is told in first person so we know that’s not the end of his story. We are also introduced to the concept of a von neumann probe. Then the story gets going and does not slow down. This is a trilogy. In the tradition of Star Wars, the first book as an ending but the second book requires you to finish the trilogy. I loved the character(s) of Bob. I could not put this book down. I will happily seek out the fourth book in the trilogy.

The book is full of sci-fi references. The author’s comedic style reminds me of John Scalzi. It is full of sci-fi tropes and is self-aware of them. At the same time, it is technically competent in its understanding of relativistic time dilation. I recommend this series to fans of hard sci-fi and Douglas Adams.

Bobiverse Trilogy by Dennis Taylor