
I could not mail my letter last night so I will write more today. I am on guard today about ¼ of a mile from camp. The rest of the regiment except the guards are on a brigade inspection. I don’t think we shall move from here in some time yet. I will tell you what I want in addition to what I wrote you, I want a quart of good whiskey not that I am getting intemperate¹ but it will be good for me to take a little at a time and besides all that it will keep me from taking a cold as laying on the damp ground is very bad for me. Send me some good if it can be procured or some currant² wine, I don’t care which. Be sure and send me a good lot of eatables for I have got sick of hard bread and raw pork and that is about all I can get to near here with the exception of stewed beans which I never liked but we have to eat what we can get here. I would like a little sugar and a pound of raisins and a little tea but it will not answer to send much of such stuff for if we were to move it would only be a bother but provision and apples I can get rid of it but I don’t think we shall move very soon. I want you to let me know when you are going home or if you are calculating to stay some time yet. I expect our folks are very lonesome without you and I would like to have you there. Father³ is about crazy about me, so Julia⁴ wrote, but I hope he will feel better now that he has heard from me but I must stop here. Take good care of yourself and write to me often.

Your husband


¹having or showing a lack of self-control with alcohol
²small dried fruit made from a seedless variety of grape originally grown in the eastern Mediterranean region, now widely produced in California, and much used in cooking
³Cyril Rounds (1795-1881)
⁴Julia Rounds (1822-1882)