After a nearly catastrophic experience with a LaCie drive I was once again back in the market to buy a 1TB hard drive. I have about 750GB of stuff that I need to backup on a regular basis. The LaCie was working perfectly until it just stopped.…
Read the rest “Experience with MyBook Studio II”
This web site was redesigned to give the owner the ability to edit content directly on the web site and enhance communication with current customers. In addition to the web site the customer now uses their domain for email communication.
Web site for parent teacher student association for Mansfield Legacy High School.
My car is nearly 8 years old and soon I will have to pass it into the waiting hands of its next owner, a teenager. I have a couple of years until that happens and so I’m passively shopping for a new car.…
Read the rest “Th!nk Ox Looks Promising but Read the Fine Print”
I think it is really great that Apple has licensed ActiveSync from Microsoft. This means that with the iPhone 2.0 iPhone users will be able to be full citizens on a Microsoft Exchange server with access to email, calendar, and address book.…
Read the rest “Apple Mail to Support Exchange?”
After much research and shopping around, I finally took the advice of a friend and checked out HostGator. I really liked what I found. They offer affordable hosting packages with reasonable bandwidth ceilings. I’m still worried about bandwidth but unless I’m lucky enough to get on Digg, I should not have a problem.…
Read the rest “Move to HostGator Complete (Almost)”
The new system update for the iPhone is now out. One of the new features is you can add bookmarks to the front screen, a.k.a the springboard. The graphics that appear on the home screen are 57×57 pixel PNG files. You put the png file somewhere on your your server.…
Read the rest “How to Add Apple Touch Icon to Your Drupal Theme”
I think I finally have gotten my Apache problems settled down. I’m not sure what set it off. I made the mistake of updating the system software with a security patch. That updated PHP. Since I am running a custom PHP, I had to recompile and install PHP again to get libGD loaded.…
Read the rest “Apache Tuning”
I’m spending the day today updating my server’s software with numerous updates that have come out from certain vendors. For both Drupal and Squirrel, I’m glad I was slow to update because both had two updates in the intervening time. Once I get my updates current I can look at my spam filters.…
Read the rest “Backlog of Server Updates”
I had a little run in with a manhole last night. I was turning from Abram street onto Oak street in Arlington when I heard a very bad sound (technical term). The pitch of the engine changed, my dashboard beeped at me and showed the oil warning light.…
Read the rest “Beetle vs. Manhole”
The Endyn web site was a graphical update to an existing web site. The new design featured brushed metal in liberal amounts. The site was converted from static HTML to ASP. Articles were moved into a basic article engine. A discussion forum was setup using Snitz with the same theming.
Kathryn Hitt’s Graphic Designs
Jeffrey Hubner’s family Web Site