This is a followup to my previous posting How to Install Adobe Reader X Safely on Mac OS X. The step for disabling JavaScript is virtually identical for Windows. The frustration for me when trying to install Reader X for Windows was finding a download link for just Reader without any additional baggage.…
Read the rest “How to Install Adobe Reader X Safely on Windows”
The new version of Adobe Acrobat Reader is out. Unlike its Windows counterpart it does not have the Sandboxing option. They are calling this version “Reader X”. I assume the ‘X’ is to be pronounced “ten” since it follows Reader 9.…
Read the rest “How to Install Adobe Reader X Safely on Mac OS X”
Drupal web site based on static design created by Lesa Snider that already used CSS well. The challenge for this project was to optimise the site for SEO consumption. This site features dynamic meta tags, a smart 404 page, sitemap, and redirection from the previous static .html…
Read the rest “Michael C. Morphew”
The Apple Computer centric web site
MacNews has a new posting about software for birding and bird watching.
In addition to these titles there are a number of apps in the iTunes App Store for your iPhone. Some are silly and others are addictive games (Angry Birds).…
Read the rest “iOS Apps for the Bird Enthusiast”
When a user is submitting a form it would be nice to give them a tracking number. In order to do this it might be necessary to load the submission tree in code and locate the submission id. It is not otherwise available as a substitution token.…
Read the rest “How to add the Submission Number to the Confirmation Message of a Drupal Webform Submission”
If you haven’t heard already the latest Macs being sold by Apple no longer are shipping with Java pre installed. This is a good thing and a bad thing. There’s also a lot of irony in this move when you think about the history of Java on the Mac.…
Read the rest “Java and the Mac Platform – an Ironic History”
The recently announced app store for Mac is the biggest news for the Mac OS X platform in the last couple of years. It is going to revolutionize the software buying experience and be come the standard way that people get and update software for their computer.…
Read the rest “Looking Forward to Apple’s Mac App Store”
Now that the dust has settled on last week’s Apple announcements I think one product announcement deserves a second look. Apple AirPlay is the successor to AirTunes which let you broadcast music over WiFi to speakers plugged into an AirPort Express or AppleTV.…
Read the rest “AirPlay Opens Up a World of Media Possibilities”
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My Apple ID has been disable for security reasons. I can still log in but not access screen to change my password. Nice.
so far its cool