USU Pictures

Our equestrian team got back from Utah State University’s show this week end, and I put some pictures that I took on my mom’s webshot’s page. I didn’t show this week end, I just did my assistant coach thing, so I am in one or two pictures.… Read the rest “USU Pictures”

Horse Shows

Well I got back from my last horse show of the season. We had three western shows in Dillon Montana and I won a third place and two firsts. Now I’m qualified for the regional show which is a kind of preliminary for the national show.… Read the rest “Horse Shows”

Horse Show Pictures

I put up some new pictures from my regional show which took place today. I placed fourth in my class of eight, which unfortunately was not high enough to proceed on to the zones and then national show. I will be going to zones with the team (as opposed to individually) so if anyone wants to watch, we will be in Ridgefield, Washington.… Read the rest “Horse Show Pictures”

Zach Finished Basic

Jim’s youngest son, Zach Gibson, graduated from Air Force Basic Training in San Antonio. He’s on his way to more training to be a forward combat air traffic controller with the Air Force Special Forces. I wasn’t able to make the graduation but Jim was there.

Life on the Ranch

Well I’ve spent the last couple of days at my mom”s aunt and uncle’s home in Twin Falls and finally got regular access to a computer, and a scanner! So I’ve added a picture or two of me below. Anyhoo, I’ve been having a blast working at this dude ranch in Ovando, Montana.… Read the rest “Life on the Ranch”