Error 404  *** STOP: 0x0000000c (0x00000000, 0xEB71092F, 0x00000008, 0xC0000000) BAD_WEB_ADDRESS_NOT_HANDLED *** Address EB662040 at EB660000 Date Stamp 36B075CE – Internet.sysCPUID:Genuine Intel 6.3.3 irql:lf SYSVER 0xF0000565 Dll Base DateStmp – Name Dll Base DateStmp – Name 80100000 336546bf – ntoskrnl.exe 80010000 33247f88 – hal.dll… Read the rest “Error 404”

Consumers Digest

The Consumers Digest web site was originally designed by graphic artists in 1998. The original graphic design was implemented as a launch point into an Objective-C WebObjects 3.5 application where each link was a “Direct Action” into a specific category. Users could search through tens of thousands of products store in a huge Oracle database.… Read the rest “Consumers Digest”