Sign Fixed

It only took a year but the sign is back up where it belongs. Thank you TXDOT. The trick was talking to someone who actually listened to the report. I could tell is was different this time when she actually confirmed the street name and location.… Read the rest “Sign Fixed”

FB Marketplace

I’m trying to part with an old futon sofa. It cost a lot of money new and it’s still in pristine condition. I’m trying to sell it on Facebook Marketplace. For about 20% of the purchase price. After I post it I immediately get inquiries using the exact same script.… Read the rest “FB Marketplace”

So Long Citi

Citi Card
My experiment with Citibank’s AAdantage MasterCard is (almost) over. Their security verification features pushed me over the edge. Every time I tried to talk to them on the phone I would come away frustrated. Citi + Pay advertisement Their phone verification system assumes that all their customers will have a land line or addition accounts with Citi.… Read the rest “So Long Citi”

Math vs eBay

Hand grabbing eBay logo
I used to be a big fan of eBay. It used to be a safe and nearly guaranteed way to convert old electronics into cash. Lately I’ve be come increasingly disenchanted with the experience. I’ve been a victim if hucksters in Russia and Mexico so I refuse to make my items for sale there anymore.… Read the rest “Math vs eBay”


The floodwaters in Houston have not finished rising 250 miles south. The ramifications are starting to be felt across the country in the form of higher gas prices at the pump. Here in Texas we have been enjoying gas prices that hover within 30¢ of the $2 mark.… Read the rest “Fragility”

T-Shirt Archive

Hexley DarwinOS Mascot
It occurred to me that I have a lot of old t-shirts. Most are not fit to wear anymore. I thought I would create a photographic archive of these old t-shirts. This will be a long project. I plan to just add the pictures to this posting and display them in random order.… Read the rest “T-Shirt Archive”