It was about what I expected, maybe a little better. Seth can actually play more than the frat boy. Kato saved the movie. Rent it.
Visually incredible. I loved all the references to the original. It degraded into a predictable ‘we have to get there by the deadline’ movie. I’ll be buying it when it comes out on iTunes because it think it will hold up to repeat viewing.…
Read the rest “Tron: Legacy”
It’s sort of like a prequel to Braveheart from the Roman point of view. I mostly want to complain about the cinematography. The story is supposed to take place in the Highlands but the filmed it in a dark forest in Hungary.…
Read the rest “The Eagle”
Ever wonder what ever happened to Christopher Robin when he got a little older and stopped playing with Winnie the Pooh? It looks like he changed his name to Harry Potter and well, you know the rest.
This picture of Kristen Stewart is very disturbing in the uncanny valley sense by its lack of symmetry. The right side of her face looks like Robin Tunney. The left side of her face reminds me of Angelina Jolie. It’s like a bad photoshop fail.
Take parts of the Matrix, Cloverfield, Independence Day, War of the Worlds, Transformers, Predators, and some zombie movie, throw them in a blender until the best part float to the top. Scape that top layer off and throw it away so you are left with just the slag.…
Read the rest “Skyline is a Jumbled Mess of Eye Candy”
We enjoyed ‘ Red’
Cool: no Orlando Bloom
It was better than I expected. I liked the superhero genesis story turned on its side. Nick Cage plays creepy well.
Mindless, plotless, loud, violent, fun popcorn movie.
Great John Carpenter flick with campy 80’s synth soundtrack. Watching it now on my Apple TV. Kurt Russel is great as Snake Planski in this future 1997 where New York is a prison.
Not bad for an imported dubbed computer animated movie based on a cartoon. Nick Cage, Nathan Lane, Eugene Levy, Bill Nighy, Charlize Theron and Donald Southerland lent their voices to the production. There were plenty of scifi references that made the dialog fun.
It was a good action summer popcorn movie. The foreshadowing was a bit heavy-handed which took some of the suspense away.