It was a fitting end to the trilogy that bound itself together with the other two movies. It reminded me a lot of a Clancy thriller. Some parts were hard to watch. I’ll wouldn’t mind seeing it again while still in the theater.
I thought it was a very good translation of the first book. The first book is full of Katnis’ inner dialog and descriptions of the fashion choices made by other characters. While we can see the fashions we have to infer much about her relationship with Peeta.…
Read the rest “Hunger Games”
The new movie Chronicle takes the ‘found footage’ meme to a new level mixing it with a superhero genesis story. The story follows three high school kids as they learn that they have telekinesis but still have to go to class.…
Read the rest “Chronicle is Refreshing”
Good, intense movie. Leave the kids at home. Craig plays a vulnerable Blomquist very different from James Bond end though the opening credits feel like a 007 entrée. And Wasp was excellent embodying “the girl” part perfectly. It was interesting to see what things the changed from the Swedish movie version.…
Read the rest “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”
A fun movie, once you get over the fact that this movie has very little to do with Dumas’ characters, historical accuracy, or the laws of physics. This movie is to Musketeer films what Resident Evil is to zombie films.
Owen Wilson in a Woody Allen film? I know, but it works.
Pretty good adaptation of the Phillip K Dick story.
Good movie with a smart plot. I like Deniro’s character too.
I really wanted this movie to be so much more. Think it will stand up to a second watch well.
‘Enjoy’ is the wrong word. It was a really good movie.
I thought it was interesting to see the Rotten Tomatoes ratings for some movies currently in theaters. There’s really nothing out that’s worth seeing right now if you believe the ratings. I’m just glad to see that Conan still beats The Smurfs even though it lost to a shark and a guy in a space suit.…
Read the rest “Rotten Tomato Warning Labels and Comparative Ratings”
Whenever you go into the theater to see a new movie in an old franchise you run the risk of being disappointed. Series like Superman, Batman, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica even Fletch have all been given the “reimagining” treatment with varying degrees of success.…
Read the rest “The Apes will Rise”
I went into Captain America thinking of it as just another episode in the Avengers series along with other films like Thor, Iron Man, and Hulk. Each of these films has its own style and high points. I know very little about the comic book character.…
Read the rest “Captain America: The First Avenger”