Iron Man 3 Follows the Trilogy Formula and We Like It

Iron Man on Couch
The formula for a successful series of movies is pretty simple: the first movie is unique and captures the audience while introducing the characters; the second movie tries to recapture the magic of the first movie but amp up the stakes and let you explore the world the character inhabits; and a successful third movie should take what you know about your characters and take it in a new direction.… Read the rest “Iron Man 3 Follows the Trilogy Formula and We Like It”

Iron Man 3

The formula for a successful series of movies is pretty simple: the first movie is unique and captures the audience while introducing the characters; the second movie tries to recapture the magic of the first movie but amp up the stakes and let you explore the world the character inhabits; and a successful third movie should take what you know about your characters and take it in a new direction.… Read the rest “Iron Man 3”

The Call

Very predictable. It followed the trailer right up to the ending when Halle Berry turns into Catwoman. The most unbelievable part was the police response.

Premium Rush

Pretty good movie. It was a good example of non-linear story telling, interesting editing, and a good use of graphics to make sure you knew where and when you were in the story. The entire story except for on flashback takes place over the span of about 4 hours.… Read the rest “Premium Rush”