I just watched a couple of movies that could easily be prequels for The Terminator or Blade Runner. The both feature a domestic android that ends up going on a killing spree. One looks like it was cut from Terminator 3 while the other looks like a suburban version of Wild Robot.…
Read the rest “Companion and Subservience are Just Terminator Prequels”
Come on guys. You see it don’t you? The new Valor looks like the HK-T form Terminator 2 (1991) — right down to the v-shaped tail. Is Bell just copying Cameron?
Bell Textron V-280 Valor
Skynet HK-T Aerial Transport
Ever since I saw the first trailer for Terminator Salvation I had mixed emotions. I wanted it to be good but I could not imaged how it could be. There are 25 years of history in this time traveling anthology. The series has used the time between movies as a plot device.…
Read the rest “Terminator Salvation Lives Up to Expectations, Good and Bad”
I’ve been looking forward to the new Terminator movie. I like the TV show. I even enjoyed Terminator 3. The new movie looked like just the next chapter in the story. The early trailers showed us little that we had not already seen in the future scenes for the last 25 years.…
Read the rest “Terminator Salvation Trailer Ups to the Ante on Expectations”
I saw T3 last night at the sneak preview. It opens today. I have not read any other reviews. I really enjoyed this movie. It was true to both the spirit and the story of the first two movies. And the action was first rate Arnold.…
Read the rest “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)”