Spotted this on the side of the road on my drive. Someone took the time to put up a Christmas tree.
I had this idea for a car chase using a remote control car and a drone. The practicality of such a video proved much harder than I expected. I also would need to zoom closer to the target to make the video worthwhile.
Here are some pictures and a short view from camping at Lake Ray Roberts State Park on the Isle du Bois. I knew camping had really changed when I used my Apple Watch to buy firewood from a vending machine and we used a crockpot for a good deal of the cooking.
On Friday afternoon I drove out to Longview for lunch for my grandmother’s 102nd birthday. On the way I stopped to take a view pictures of the Sabine River (Río de Sabinas). It is named for the sabinas, bald cypress trees, that are common lower down river.
As they built the new Apple Campus in Cupertino, it became a Mecca for drone photographers to document the progress of the construction. At one point Apple security tried to discourage enthusiastic remote pilots but that proved to be a harder task than they thought.…
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