I recently switched from iPhoto to Aperture to manage images on my computer. The experience has been mixed. I am really not happy with the performance. I’m hoping that will get better. Another annoyance it the fact that importing images from my iPhone does not prompt me to delete those images off the phone like it does for my camera.…
Read the rest “Aperture 3.0 Tip: Delete Photos After Import from iPhone”
This season of Lost started out with a time paradox. The episodes so far have continued on these parallel time lines. This is similar to the 2002 movie Sliding Doors starring Gwyneth Paltrow. In the end of that movie one time line “wins”.…
Read the rest “This Season of Lost Like Sliding Doors”
Helping Shawn and the gang with their Drupal Site.
A Flash-Heavy site that displays an inventory of Dental Practices for sale. The site also contains a blog of wisdom about professional practice transitions.
Flash work by KeynoteThemePark.com and WallabyWeb.com.
You’ve seen the meme, if the auto industry were like the computer industry our cars would crash for no apparent reason, or something like that. I think there are some parallels to what’s going on in the computer industry today when you compare it to the auto industry of yesteryear.…
Read the rest “The iPad is the Model A of the Computer Industry”
I’ve got a slightly used Getzen 700SP Trupet for sale complete with case, 2 mouth pieces, mute, buzz holder, 2 stands, music stand, music.
Acrobat Reader has grown from a simple portable document reader to a behemoth. Most of the time you just want to view a PDF. You don’t need all the features of Acrobat when you already have a perfectly good PDF reader in Preview.app.…
Read the rest “Tools We Use: Apple Preview”
I just finished Stephen King’s new novel Under the Dome. The immediate reaction might be, didn’t
The Simpons’ Movie cover this same topic. Well, yes. But in the author’s note Mr. King claims to have been working on this story for quite a while and did not draw (much) inspiration from the Fox cartoon.…
Read the rest “Trapped Like Carrots Under the Dome”
When it comes to web browser plug-ins I generally try to avoid them. I have to admit that I have four installed in my Safari browser at the moment. There are many reasons to avoid using plug-ins. If you experience problems its is most likely caused by a plug-in.…
Read the rest “Tools We Use: ClickToFlash”
Sometimes you just want to get away from it all. That’s what the new movie
2012 promises and delivers. This is an incredible movie in both scale and vision. In the tradition of other Roland Emmerich films like The Day After Tomorrow and Independence Day we get to see famous landmarks being destroyed while our hero narrowly escapes impossible situations.…
Read the rest “2012 Delivers Disaster Movie Goodness”
In philosophy there is a paradox called Buridan’s Ass named after the 14th century French philosopher Jean Buridan. In this paradox there is an ass placed between two perfect stacks of hay. The ass is paralyzed without a way to choose one stack over the other and starves to death.…
Read the rest “Windows 7 and Buridan’s Ass”
Way back in 1995 GeoCities realized that people would want to get their own content and post it on the web. The tools for doing this were almost non existent. In order to play in this realm you had to understand the technology of HTML and FTP.…
Read the rest “Geocities Closing and What It Means for the Cloud”
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is based on the Hasbro’s dolls for boys. I don’t think I ever owned a G.I. Action figure. Friends of mine did. They were about a foot tall, had limbs you could move, and you put clothes on them.…
Read the rest “G.I. Joe Tries to Be Like Iron Man”