The fatal mistake was the overly strong red card when the score was still 2-0. It seemed like Australia started out strong. It took Germany 10 minutes to make it into the penalty box to take their first shot. Shortly there after they scored their first goal.…
Read the rest “Nice win for Germany over Socceroos 4-0 – Good way to start Cup #wc2010”
Each year Apple hosts a little corporate private party for the end of WWDC. It used to be back on the Apple Campus but for the last few years it has been held at the Yerba Buena Gardens. I’ve taken some pictures each year.…
Read the rest “Pictures from WWDC Beer Bash Concerts 2004 – 2010”
I got a stack of 12 letters today from AT&T. Each one was identical telling me about a change in my service that I made two weeks ago. Not timely and very annoying. How about just putting a $5 credit on my account and save the postage and handling expense?…
Read the rest “Received a dozen identical notices from AT&T today about a change in my service – overkill?”
I get all the channels on my HD receiver except ABC. Apparently they have a weak signal in DFW.
If you use the iPad camera connection kit you can import your pictures onto your iPad. This presents a problem when you get home to find that you have pictures on your iPad and on the memory stick. You would not want to import your pictures twice.…
Read the rest “Tip: Use Image Capture to delete pictures off of iPad en masse”
If you want a simple amplifier for your iPhone, just stick it in a glass speakers down. The glass will resonate and do all those magical things that Bose is so famous for. The bass response is not all that great so it is more suited for audiobooks and podcasts.…
Read the rest “You don’t need external speakers for your iPhone, just stick it in a glass for a makeshift amplifier”
I took some pictures durning the WWDC Bash (formerly known as the Campus Bash) this year in Yerba Buena Gardens. The band OK Go played. They were really good. I wish their set had been longer.
I’m hoping that only the entertainment system in the elevator runs Windows. I would not want my elevator to crash.
I took a walk on the peninsula and took a few snapshots. I have a few more to upload shortly. The pictures are of the Golden Gate and of some houses on Baker Beach. I also took some pictures of the Palace of fine art and Pier 39.…
Read the rest “Pictures from San Francisco”
It sure was a hot one today and it is only June.
I’m disappointed that the launch did not go off as planned but this is all experimental. My biggest frustration was getting a reliable video stream to watch the launch. It was not on NASA TV. I found it on but their connect must have been overwhelmed in the last 5 minutes.…
Read the rest “Falcon 9 Launch Aborted at T-2 seconds”
I found BlueHost on a site that was comparing it to HostGator. I was experiencing problems with HostGator looking for an alternative. So far the set up for BlueHost has gone smoothly. I was able to copy over my existing site and database.…
Read the rest “Setting up Drupal on BlueHost Went Smoothly”
TKO Solutions is now selling the un-case for the iPad. This is a very different way to think about a case