We enjoyed ‘ Red’
Cool: no Orlando Bloom
It was better than I expected. I liked the superhero genesis story turned on its side. Nick Cage plays creepy well.
Now that the dust has settled on last week’s Apple announcements I think one product announcement deserves a second look. Apple AirPlay is the successor to AirTunes which let you broadcast music over WiFi to speakers plugged into an AirPort Express or AppleTV.…
Read the rest “AirPlay Opens Up a World of Media Possibilities”
Mindless, plotless, loud, violent, fun popcorn movie.
The rain started before midnight and it poured for more than 12 hours. The weathermen can report on the number of inches of rainfall.
Great John Carpenter flick with campy 80’s synth soundtrack. Watching it now on my Apple TV. Kurt Russel is great as Snake Planski in this future 1997 where New York is a prison.
I see one big problem with Ping: it is based on the Apple ID. Currently, my family shares one Apple ID and iTunes account. This makes the Home Sharing functionality in iTunes actually work. Ping is much more personal. It makes music recommendations based on your listening.…
Read the rest “Ping and the Family iTunes Account”
Not bad for an imported dubbed computer animated movie based on a cartoon. Nick Cage, Nathan Lane, Eugene Levy, Bill Nighy, Charlize Theron and Donald Southerland lent their voices to the production. There were plenty of scifi references that made the dialog fun.
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You can note the spot and take a picture of your car. Smart.
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