Very funny, raunchy comedy. It’s in the style of Hangover with a Jaime Fox character named after Samuel L Jackson’s favorite expression. If you can get through the language and vulgarity then it sustains story and comedy. The movie is full of botched movie references like “Throw Mama from the Train” & “Strangers on a Train”
For the uninitiated LaunchBar is a an indispensable tool that allows you to launch any program or find any contact with just your keyboard. You can set your own keyboard shortcut to activate it, you type a few characters and then LaunchBar figures out what you want.…
Read the rest “Tools We Use: LaunchBar”
Troll Hunter was fun. You have to take it for what it is and enjoy it. It’s in the same style as Blair Witch and Cloverfield. Trolls are real and the government agency TSS has the job to keep them in their territory or put them down with UVB light.
Raunchy. It could have been a cute PG-13 but they went for the R instead. Funny moments but not enough to fill the void.
It kinda sucked and then Tim Robbins showed up and made it worse. The plot and characters did not fill the scenery. At least we did not pay extra to see it in 3-D.
Back at the motel I was hanging out by the pool under a nearly full moon. I was watching the other guests come into the parking lot and noticed a small gray cat skulking around. The cat was obviously people-weary but it ran toward each recently parked car or truck.…
Read the rest “Fisherman’s Friend”