I ended up seeing Dredd not out of a specific desire to see the movie but it was the only movie playing in theaters that held any interest for me at all. I figured I was in trouble when I saw that the theater was completely empty on a Friday night.…
Read the rest “Dredd Was a Good Summer Movie”
Given the chance to order a Pebble, which color would you choose? Black seems like the obvious choice but the gray does look nice too.http://getpebble.com/
Pretty good movie. It was a good example of non-linear story telling, interesting editing, and a good use of graphics to make sure you knew where and when you were in the story. The entire story except for on flashback takes place over the span of about 4 hours.…
Read the rest “Premium Rush”
A common practice with radiology services nowadays is to provide your x-rays on a CD after your visit. These CDs typically come with their own viewer program that automatically runs when you insert the CD into your computer. This works great for most people assuming your security protections are disabled to allow autorun from a CD and you are _running Windows_.…
Read the rest “How to View DICOM Files on a Mac”
I think my home Internet service has been throttled but I cannot confirm this. I’ve run speed tests numerous times and only been able to get a max of 1.5 Mbps on the download side. This is quite low since I am paying for the 6Mbps service.…
Read the rest “Has My Home Internet Been Throttled?”
I used to recommend a single Apple ID account for a family to share media and apps purchased under an iTunes account. This way family members can share music, TV Shows and apps. With the introduction of iCloud that has all changed.…
Read the rest “Apple ID for the Family”
You know there’s something wrong with a movie if during the climatic action scene in the movie you are busy thinking about the bad science in this fiction movie. The movie was the 2012 remake of Total Recall. The original movie was full of its own bad science about life on Mars.…
Read the rest “Total Recall of Bad Mathematics”
I heard about the new app called Chirp (by ASGI Ltd). I downloaded it and immediately though it would be cool to save the chirp as a sound file but the app offers no such option. I used the Voice Memos app to save the playing sound.…
Read the rest “Chirp”
I’ve been trying out DropBox, GoogleDrive and Microsoft SkyDrive in parallel over the last month. The experience has reaffirmed that DropBox is the gold standard for this category. Other entries like Box.net and iCloud do not qualify at this level as they lack desktop integration on multiple OSes.…
Read the rest “Cloud Storage Comparison”
It was a fitting end to the trilogy that bound itself together with the other two movies. It reminded me a lot of a Clancy thriller. Some parts were hard to watch. I’ll wouldn’t mind seeing it again while still in the theater.
Back in 1988 I took a summer job working for a construction company. This company built cabinets. I designed a pair of tablets that could be used as portable writing workspaces. The were simply a piece of particle board with maroon colored formica surfaces.…
Read the rest “My First Tablet”
I love the idea of an electric car and some day it will actually make sense. Here’s another story from Plugincars.com about the new Mitsubishi. The monthly price of $249 sounds great even with $3,498 down, plus I presume another $1200 for TTL.…
Read the rest “Mitsubishi i ES for $249”
When I first bought the original iPad I also got the black polyurethane case that Apple offered with it. At the time, it made sense since there were no other cases on the market. I affectionately called that case the “wet suit” because of its slick design and the fact that it was impossible to get on or remove.…
Read the rest “Review: iPad Smart Case”