The 1987 RoboCop has some endearing parts that have made it so memorable. The movie actually holds up pretty well after 27 years. It takes place in an ambiguous near future where artificial hearts are advertised on TV and there’s violence in Mexico.…
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Instagram post from 2014-02-09 00:19:26
It’s a Throwback #caturday selfie
I’ve seen the 1951 Rudolph Maté movie adaptation of
When Worlds Collide. It is near the top of classic 1950’s Science Fiction movies. I never gave its source material much thought. The movie won an Oscar that year for its special effects which involved the use of miniatures to convey the large scale of the story.…
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Instagram post from 2014-02-06 04:01:51
Instagram post from 2014-02-01 12:34:46
Saturday morning breakfast: Ham and coffee. Where are my eggs? #caturday
The Legacy Silver Spurs Officers perform their dance that they will take to competition this summer at the basketball game halftime. The song is If I Were A Boy by Beyoncé.
Instagram post from 2014-01-28 06:20:20
Sleepy time
Instagram post from 2014-01-26 19:28:23
I think there’s something on my nose
Instagram post from 2014-01-25 13:03:52
I used to be cute. #caturday
Legacy Silver Spurs performing a Kick Routine at the halftime of the Red Oak Hawks basketball game
Usually Texas A&M University’s annual bonfire is held in November just before the t.u. football game. Since the tragedy in 1999 and the move to the SEC, things have changed. This year the weather forced a delay to January. Student Bonfire now a completely separate event without official University sanction.…
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Instagram post from 2014-01-18 16:44:03
Basket case #caturday
Mansfield Legacy High School Silver Spurs Drill Team performance of Hijack at Broncos vs Lake Ridge Basketball Game halftime. Choreography by Mikey Trasoras