Instagram post from 2016-06-25 23:37:52
On vacation with Kiowa
Instagram post from 2016-06-20 18:41:26
I rented a car this week and got a new Chevy Malibu with Apple CarPlay support. I always travel with a kit of connectors and charges so that I can plug into most rental cars unless they have a stupid proprietary connector (Nissan, Kia).…
Read the rest “CarPlay Test Drive”
Instagram post from 2016-04-13 00:30:50
Puppy selfie
Instagram post from 2016-04-06 02:13:54
Can I drive home?
Instagram post from 2016-04-06 02:11:54
Heading home after getting bath and nails done.
I was very sad to see this tree had not survived this weeks storms. It was not able to stand up to the 70 mph straight line winds. I drive by this tree in south Fort Worth sometimes twice a day.…
Read the rest “Tree Eulogy”
Having just returned form seeing the new movie “
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice“, I’m trying to gather my thoughts. I think it’s safe to say that the movie is good but a little boring. Ben Afflect’s
Dark Night is probably the high point of the movie.…
Read the rest “Dawn of Justice”
I recently worked to attempt to separate my AT&T accounts so that I could clearly see what I am spending for Internet access. Its harder than it should be. I still have not been successful but at least it is not as hard as unentangling from my Yahoo!…
Read the rest “The Continuing Saga of Slow DSL”
After taking the tour of Chihuly’s, I had some extra time before my flight. I took the monorail from the Space Needle and then walked down to Pikes Place Market and then the Waterfront, taking pictures along the way. A few blocks south of Pike I was walking back up some stairs and came across some cherry trees in full bloom.…
Read the rest “Seattle’s Waterfront”
I had the opportunity to go on a guided tour of Chuhuly’s Garden with the Gardener. It was a lot of fun. I’ve seen Dale Chihuly‘s work before at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. His work reminds me of that of UTA professor David Keen.…
Read the rest “A Walk in Chihuly’s Garden”
Instagram post from 2016-02-21 02:38:31
So what was wrong with the old floor?
Instagram post from 2016-02-12 18:30:05
Yummy flowers