
2017 Eclipse Rendered with Moon
On August 21st, 2017 I was lucky enough to get to witness the total eclipse. I dragged a couple buddies, Lee & Jeff, on at 1500 mile road trip that landed us in Hopkinsville, Kentucky for the event. Scott of Scott’s Astro Page had picked out the location at a church that was renting their parking lot for $20 per person.… Read the rest “Eclipse”

King Arthur

My understanding of King Arthur lore comes from watching Excalibur on cable in the 80’s, First Knight on video in the 90’s, and reading Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. No, I haven’t seen Disney’s canonic work. When I saw the trailer for this new movie I could not get a feel for what kind of movie it would be.Read the rest “King Arthur”

The Great Wall

Sometime last fall I saw the first trailer for a new movie from Legendary and Universal Studios coming out called “The Great Wall”. The premise was simple: the Chinese build the Great Wall to defend against some kind of attacking Kaijū (怪獣) attacking from the north.… Read the rest “The Great Wall”

T-Shirt Archive

Hexley DarwinOS Mascot
It occurred to me that I have a lot of old t-shirts. Most are not fit to wear anymore. I thought I would create a photographic archive of these old t-shirts. This will be a long project. I plan to just add the pictures to this posting and display them in random order.… Read the rest “T-Shirt Archive”

Sold: iPad Wi-Fi 32GB MB293LL/A $25

I have an original iPad 1st Generation for sale. It has 32GB of storage, original box and power cord. Contact me if you are interested in buying it. iPad Specs: Introduced January 2010 Discontinued March 2011 Model Identifier iPad1,1 Model Number A1219 EMC 2311 Order Number MB293LL/A (32 GB) Initial Price $599 (32 GB) Current Price $25 Support Status Vintage Colors Black Weight and Dimensions 1.5 lbs.,… Read the rest “Sold: iPad Wi-Fi 32GB MB293LL/A $25”