Rocket Launch

Car Chase

I had this idea for a car chase using a remote control car and a drone. The practicality of such a video proved much harder than I expected. I also would need to zoom closer to the target to make the video worthwhile.

Isle du Bois

Here are some pictures and a short view from camping at Lake Ray Roberts State Park on the Isle du Bois. I knew camping had really changed when I used my Apple Watch to buy firewood from a vending machine and we used a crockpot for a good deal of the cooking.

Philadelphia and Camden

Benjamin Franklin Bridge
On a work trip to Philadelphia I was able to take a little time to take some pictures and video. Locations featured in the post include Camden Docks, Wiggins Marina, Campbell’s Field and Rutgers University in New Jersey. Crossing the Benjamin Franklin Bridge you can see pictures from the Convention Center, City Hall, Eastern State Penitentiary, Schuylkill Rowing Basin and Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Symphony of Raiders

The movies of George Lucas have been said to have a lot with silent movies. This is both a slap at his dialog and a complement to his visual style. If you think of his movies there are numerous visuals that are iconic.

Salvador Dalí

Salvador Dali
I took my mother this weekend to the Salvador Dalí exhibit, Salvador Dali: Visions of Eternity, currently showing at the Arlington Museum of Art.

Sabine River

On Friday afternoon I drove out to Longview for lunch for my grandmother’s 102nd birthday. On the way I stopped to take a view pictures of the Sabine River (Río de Sabinas). It is named for the sabinas, bald cypress trees, that are common lower down river.