iTunes 9 to Support Blu-Ray Finally, Does Anyone Care?

The latest rumor out of Cupertino is that the next version of iTunes, version 9, will support Blu-Ray. This rumor does not seem all that unbelievable. Its one of those rumors that seems obvious. Blu-Ray is the successor to DVD and now that the cost of the players has come down it seems reasonable that we will see Blu-Ray hardware in the next round of releases.… Read the rest “iTunes 9 to Support Blu-Ray Finally, Does Anyone Care?”

Fast and Furious

On a lark I took the boys to go see Fast and Furious. I was expecting a loud and fast thrill ride and this movie did not disappoint. For those keeping score, this is the 4th movie in the series. The new movie has the same name as the original minus the definite article the.… Read the rest “Fast and Furious”