PThis was my second checkout dive for my Open Water I certification back to Blue Lagoon This dive was mainly an excursion but I did do some compass work and practices emergency ascent, buddy breathing, and mask clear. Equipment: Wet Suit, 20# weights
The Blue Lagoon is an old quary of some sort that has been filled with sunken boats and other obstacles for divers.…
Read the rest “Blue Lagoon – OWII Checkout Dive 1”
Checkout dive excursion on Lake Travis
In: 11:15 AM
Out: 11:45 AM
Rep Group: D-G
Max Depth:
Avg Depth:
Air Temperature:
Water Temp at Surface:
Water Temp at Depth:
Pressure In:
Pressure Out:
Visibility Horizontal:
Visibility Vertical:
Checkout dive with mask clear, buddy breathe, and free ascent practice. Wet Suit with 20# weight,
In: 10:45 AM
Out: 11:15 AM
Rep Group: A-D
Max Depth:
Avg Depth:
Air Temperature:
Water Temp at Surface:
Water Temp at Depth:
Pressure In:
Pressure Out:
Visibility Horizontal:
Visibility Vertical:
Program Guide, November 14-19, 1960
Sixty years ago my father was serving on board the U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt in the mediterranean. In his day job he used a Babbage computer to calculate firing solutions. He was also on the ship soccer team. I thought I’d share a page from the ship’s newsletter, “PRESS-I-DENTIAL”, page 10, from May 1960.…
Read the rest “FDR Sports Review”
April 15-30, 1960
April 15-30, 1960 Naples
Ship Newsletter. April 1960
We left Saint Lick¹ yesterday morning and after marching about twelve miles arrived at this place about 8p.m. I have had no letter from you since I left Richmond but I expect to hear from you soon. We shall not stay here long.…
Read the rest “Camp near Lancaster Ky.”
My Dear Wife
We left camp near Richmond yesterday morning about 7 o’clock and arrived at this place about 3 in the afternoon. It rained all day long and some of the time very hard. I was no to the skin when we got into camp but a soldier must not mind a little rain.…
Read the rest “Camp near Saint Lick Creek, Madison County Kentucky”
My Dear Wife,
I received a letter from you last Friday and you can imagine how glad I was to hear from you after waiting so long. I am well as usual. The health for the regiment is very good, no one being in the hospital here to my knowledge.…
Read the rest “Camp near Richmond Kentucky”
My Dear Wife,
Since my last letter we have moved from Winchester and are encamped about two miles from Richmond near the Richmond and Lexington Turnpike and left camp at Winchester last Wednesday about 6. We marched as far as the Kentucky River and rested for the night.…
Read the rest “Camp near Richmond Heights Kentucky”
My Dear Wife,
You will recollect that in your last letter I wrote we were under marching order and expected to go to Tennessee, but we have arrived at last in Lexington. We left Newport News a week ago last Wednesday night about 11 o’clock on board the steamer
Long Island¹
for Baltimore.…
Read the rest “Lexington Kentucky”
My Darling wife,
It is Sunday and a fearful storm is raging. It commenced last evening to hail and snow and it is now raining very hard. I am well and fat as any hog and growing fat every day. I received a letter from you dated Feb.…
Read the rest “Newport News Virginia”
My Dear Wife,
I received your letter night before last and was very glad to hear from you. I am not as well as I could wish but I feel in hopes that I shall be better in a few days.…
Read the rest “Camp near Falmoth Virginia”