I know the iPad is new and Web developers have not had a chance to update their site to be compatible with it but… When you are designing a site it should fail gracefully and fall back on more compatible controls.…
Read the rest “Using JavaScript for Core Navigation or Function is Dangerous”
Conspicuously absent on the iPad are some apps that we have come to expect as part of the package. The iPad does not come with Calculator, Weather, or Stocks. Arguably these apps were not Best of Breed apps. Apple is clearly sending a message that they are not interested in providing applications that are not core to their business model.…
Read the rest “Apps Missing from iPad Tell a Story”
Our morning started off at about 4 am when my son and I drove out to Irving for this morning’s spectacle. We arrived about 5:30 and parked on a side street near Maryland and the 183 frontage road. There were people who had been there all night for the last tailgate party.…
Read the rest “Texas Stadium Demolition”
On the morning of April 11, 2010, my son and I got up early and drove to Irving to witness the end of the Cowboys Stadium. Demolition was scheduled for 7am. We actually got there shortly after 5 am and scouted a good vantage point on the south side on a hill.…
Read the rest “Cowboys Stadium Implosion”
Sure its fun. You just click buy now and start playing immediately. The next day the receipt shows up in your email. Its amazing how fast those charges add up.
I was hoping to use my iPad for this an online webinar today but no such luck.
I got an email that my iPad will be ready and waiting for me to pick up on Saturday. I’m looking forward to trying it out. I think I will be able to leave my laptop behind for meetings and other times when I need to take notes or access the Internet.…
Read the rest “Your iPad will be ready and waiting this Saturday”
The latest version of iTunes now has a category in the Library for “Books” replacing “Audiobooks” in anticipation of the new iPad
For me Barnes & Noble and Borders are pretty interchangeable experiences. The one thing that distinguishes them is the way they handle their membership cards. At Borders, its free. I have one and I keep the card on file in my phone.…
Read the rest “@billwesterman That’s one of the main reasons I shop a, free member rewards card”
I’m not sure what the business model is for this. How can it remain free?
If you are posting something on the web, please display the posting date or last updated date with your posting — please, please, please. Google should be able to show the date the posting first appeared in their index but that doesn’t prevent a user from reusing content on a different URL.…
Read the rest “@billwesterman The posted date should be included with all postings so you can know how stale they are”