I’m disappointed that the launch did not go off as planned but this is all experimental. My biggest frustration was getting a reliable video stream to watch the launch. It was not on NASA TV. I found it on SpaceVidCast.com but their connect must have been overwhelmed in the last 5 minutes.…
Read the rest “Falcon 9 Launch Aborted at T-2 seconds”
I found BlueHost on a site that was comparing it to HostGator. I was experiencing problems with HostGator looking for an alternative. So far the set up for BlueHost has gone smoothly. I was able to copy over my existing site and database.…
Read the rest “Setting up Drupal on BlueHost Went Smoothly”
TKO Solutions is now selling the un-case for the iPad. This is a very different way to think about a case
I was shopping for a hosting provider to replace HostGator.com. I know someone who uses DreamHost.com so I decided to give them a try. The price seemed right and they offered a free trial. I signed up. After 2 hours trying to get a simple FTP connection the home directory I gave up.…
Read the rest “Could not figure out DreamHost – Giving up”
If you don’t know about http://whocalled.us, it is a great web site to look up the phone number for that annoying telemarketer.
With just over a week left until Steve Jobs takes the stage for the keynote address at this years annual World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) in San Francisco, I am thinking about what we might see. After every keynote there is always a short-lived euphoria that results from being inside the reality distortion field followed but a postpartum depression.…
Read the rest “168 Hours Until WWDC 2010”
Here’s the RSS feed link for the show.
There are a number of big magazines out there that have created their own iPad application such as Wired, Time, and Popular Science. At $5 per issue it is hard to justify buying them over the newsstand version. Wired magazine as a monthly is a pretty good deal because the digital version is less expensive than the paper version.…
Read the rest “Zinio for iPad is a Great way to read magazines but not perfect”
I managed to use up 80 MB of my iPad data plan in just under 12 minutes by downloading a single magazine via Zinio. As I was doing it the emails rolled in warning me that I was running low.
10:49 AM
Your 250 MB of data for 30 days for $14.99 rate plan has 17% of the plan remaining.…
Read the rest “AT&T Plan Nearly Out of Data”
I recently bought a polarizing filter for my camera and finally got a chance to try it out. I was immediately impressed with the results. I still need to do more experimentation with it bit I think It will serve my needs.…
Read the rest “Playing with Polarizing Filter for Brighter Colors Outdoors”
The new version of the NetFlix channel on the Roku player now lets you search for any movie in their library.
I got a nice little note from AT&T today. My data plan actually has 23 hours left on it according to the iPad itself. I used 160MB for the month. I had been a little paranoid and left the radio off for the first couple of weeks.…
Read the rest “Congratulations, your auto-renew of 250 MB of data for 30 days for $14.99 was successful”
For what I think is the fourth year in a row Apple is offering their free iPod Touch with the purchase of a Mac promo. This is like getting $200 off. Even when you pay sales tax you still beat Amazon’s price.…
Read the rest “Apple is offering Free iPod Touch again this year with purchase of new mac — waiting until after WWDC to buy”