I have outgrown the three 14” squares that I hung just a few years ago. The new tiles are on 6” square but I’m adding 4 now and 4 later. Which is like adding 1.4 more of the big squares. Hopefully this I’ll last me a few years. My latest additions to the pin collection are from my recent trip to New York. I try to pick up at least one pin from places I visited. I can get more if they have a good looking pin I like. I prefer pins that clearly state the location, even better if they have the date. I have way too many Disney pins because they hit on all three criteria. It’s often a challenge to find pins overseas. In Qatar I had to settle for a magnet. In India, I ended up ordering something online after retuning home. National parks are easy and have nice consistent styled pins. And there usually a Hard Rock Cafe to fall back on.