Facebook WiFi

I found myself this morning in a public location with my laptop and needing to do a bit of work. Typically I use my hotspot but the signal was not good. I checked for available wifi and found the guest network that matched my current waiting room. Typically in this case I have to temporarily allow DNS to come form the DHCP server so that the login banner can pop up. This banner typically has some sort of terms of service that you have to agree to. I was not expecting a Meta login.


I am both horrified and impressed. It’s brilliant that Meta is offering this service to small businesses that need Guest WiFi. Think of all the personal data they can harvest by managing an insecure WiFi access point. I’m sure the local business is happy because they don’t have to have people pestering them for the WiFi access code.

Is this the future? Will Meta login be required to access the public Internet? I’m thinking I may have to create a Meta login just to use for this case.

Not today. I’ll suffer with my slow hotspot rather than use Facebook login.