Recently I picked up the 1992 movie for $4.99 starring Sandra Bullock, Wesley Snipes, and Sylvester Stallone named after a 1981 song by The Police, Demolition Man. There’s no way this 1993 rated R film could/would get made today. It is a very strange film mixing violence, action, satire, and comedy. The cast is filled out with the likes of Benjamin Bratt, Denis Leary, Nigel Hawthorne, and Glen Shadix. If you look closely, you can even see a young Jack Black and Governor Jesse Ventura. Arnold is not on film but the former president is mentioned by name. We even see a Mel Gibson poster which makes sense since they have the same police captain, Steve Kahan. And Rob Schneider is featured but uncredited.
What most struck me about this film were the numerous visuals of the year 2032 they probably got right. Granted we don’t know yet. For a film made 30 years ago it contains several things that now look prescient. The feeling was similar to watching Contagion (2011).
Downtown Los Angeles Everyone has an iPad Facetime Taco Bell Delivery Check Your Temperature before entering building Voice controlled lights Everyone drives a Tesla Zoom meetings Non-contact greetings
The opening scene depicts a horrific view of Los Angeles in flames. That is, what was seen as horrific in 1992 is news today. We see characters carrying iPad, talking on FaceTime, Uber Eats delivering Taco Bell, voice controlled lights, Tesla police cars, and Zoom meetings. And there are a couple of post COVID nods in non-contact greetings and getting scanned before entering the building. Ok, that last one is a stretch, but we don’t know why she is getting scanned. It could be a heath check.
Anyway. Enjoy the movie.