ApplePushService: +[APSCertificateStorage getClientIdentity]: Certificate not yet generated
Apparently the root problem has to do with the fact that my keychain was once on a different computer with a regular hard drive. That technical explanation aside, I managed to dig through other user responses for a fix. There is a hidden file in your Preferences folder called .GlobalPreferences.plist — note the name begins with a period to make it invisible. I’m not sure what it does. There is a corresponding visible file called GlobalPreferences.plist. When I looked there were 6 more temporary files in that directory with names the begin with .GlobalPreferences.plist. followed by additional random characters. I’m going to assume that it is safe to delete the temporary files. I am more cautious with the main invisible file and I’m not touching the visible file.
Here’s the procedure.
Open and go to your Library/Preferences folder
$ cd Library/Preferences
List any GlobalPreferences files (note the leading . and the trailing .*)
$ ls .GlobalPreferences.plist.*
Assuming you have some listed, let’s deleted them. They appear to be garbage.
$ rm .GlobalPreferences.plist.*
This leaves the main hidden file. Let’s move that our of the way rather than delete it.
$ mv .GlobalPreferences.plist GlobalPreferences.plist.bak
Now you should be able to start FaceTime normally.
You can restore the main hidden file since we do not know what it does.
$ mv GlobalPreferences.plist.bak .GlobalPreferences.plist