Whenever I have to install or update Adobe Acrobat, I always have to go back in afterward and remove the Acrobat plugin from the Library/Internet Plug-ins directory. With the most recent update to Acrobat Reader 9.1, I spotted a new option. I was able to uncheck this plugin. Thank you Adobe for giving me this option. Preview is just fine for me for 99% of my needs.
Adobe Acrobat Pro is even worse. It asks you for the MS Office Toolbar and for the PDF Printer. After you say no, it asks you again about the Safari Plug-in. Then you still have to quit Safari to complete the install even though you are not using the plug-in.
Thanks to gbfields for the fix to my problem. I still had to quit Safari to not install the plug-in.
It’s really sad. I cannot update to the latest version of Acrobat. The updater puts up a modal dialog without focus — nice.
Looks like Reader 9.3.3 updater is able to update without hanging on the plug-in.
The new installer just installed the Plug-in without asking. You can find it in /Library/Internet Plug-ins/ and kill it. I prefer to move it to a sub folder called “Disabled”. Restart your web browsers and you will be back in business and Adobe-free.
The TechNote on this Reader update says “Updater improvements”. i guess that’s what they call it when they install
AdobePDFViewer.plugin without asking you.
Adobe Reader 9.3.4 Still Installs Plug-in without asking.