Prison Break in Downtown Arlington

The FOX TV show Prison Break came to Arlington to do some filming. They used the back of my work’s building to simulate a rough neighborhood in Panama. They some of the signs to Spanish. The stop sign became “Alto”. Some of the other signs already were in Spanish like the beer billboards. They brought in a bus-load of kids in a brightly painted bus. Apparently they usually film in downtown Dallas but they also do filming around the metroplex including a prison in Mineral Wells. The city blocked off part of the street. I was very impressed with the crew who got in, shot all day and left without a trace. As I left about 7, they were just taking down the last of the Spanish language signs.

7 Replies to “Prison Break in Downtown Arlington”

  1. Hello Douglas. Have you got more prison break behind the scenes photos in Arlington ? Please email me. thanks

      1. but maybe you’ve seen some interesting scene. any spoilers ? please, im big fan of show

        1. Here’s what I saw…

          They came in and changed all the street signs on Main street to Spanish. Actually some of the signs already were in Spanish — it is Texas after all. They even changed things like the curb markers for 2 hour parking. They did most of their filming on the back of the building. You can see from the picture that there are railroad tracks right behind the building.

          I did see a school bus full of kids. The bus was all painted up with many different colors. It reminded me of the Partridge Family bus but the designs were smaller. I presume the kids were local extras.

          I tried to watch the show last night. I did not see anything familiar on that episode. I do not know when this particular episode will air.


  2. A co-worker told me that the episode that was filled on our street aired this week. I do not watch the show. I tried to watch it when it started back up again in January but could not get into it. I scanned and found the current episode, #13. I scanned though the episode and pulled out a few frames that show off the intersection of Main Street and West Street. There was not a good scene showing the bus but you can see it during the car chase at the beginning of the episode.


  3. I finally got around to watching Prison Break on NetFlix. I have finished with season 3 and spotted several familiar filming locations. I saw they filmed at Mercardo Juarez in north Arlington, a local mexican restaurant chain. They didn’t even bother to change the name. The filmed at the Amon Carter Museum in Ft Worth the museum scenes and the scenes in front of the museum. Finally they used my office as the back door of the hotel. It was fun to see the local scenery standing in for Panama.

    Now on to season 4.

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